Treatment In Disguise

Medical treatment in the face of disease or illness can be difficult in and of itself and often leads patients on a path of emotional ups and downs; those who make the transition to ambulatory treatment via infusion pump face the added stress of wearing one’s treatment on their sleeve.  The positive and negative effects of this type of lifestyle...

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The Best Defense is a Good Offense

If you or someone you know is fighting cancer you understand the stress surrounding the big “C”. Also, you probably already know that one of the great stress relievers is taking action. Of course this sounds simple - to step up and take control - but the fear of the unknown can be a powerful obstacle. Let us not forget...

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PoppyPocket: Supporting the Golden Children Diagnosed with Cancer

Children brighten up the world with their vivid, ever present imagination. With those big grins, they innocently explore all corners of the world -- while of course, avoiding the darkest nooks to avoid the monsters. Seeing our children grow up and discover their reality is a gift. It’s a treat to hear them discover their favorite animals; to hear their...

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