Infusion Pump, Medical device transporting system | Horizontal style 9.5"L X 6"H | Chemotherapy, Pulmonary Hypertension, Antiobiotics, Pain Management, DUOPA, Heart monitoring, JP Bulbs

  • $ 46.95

The Horizontal style PoppyPocket  medical device transporting system is the secure, discreet, comfortable, portable and wearable way to enclose your  system for everyday life! The Horizontal transport system is completely washable, with a plush medical, latex-free  52" elastic chest band,  (one size fits all) with one pocket that completely encloses......


The Horizontal style PoppyPocket  medical device transporting system is the secure, discreet, comfortable, portable and wearable way to enclose your  system for everyday life!

The Horizontal transport system is completely washable, with a plush medical, latex-free  52" elastic chest band,  (one size fits all) with one pocket that completely encloses the device and tubes. It has a Velcro closure for the top and an easy access side Velcro to open and close.  You can wear it discretely beneath clothing. You can engage in normal daily activity, hands and worry free. This product is intended to assist the patients towards an improved quality of life.  We also carry a 10" extension for the waist band if needed.

Dimensions: 9 1/2"L X 6" H.

Positions: It can be worn in front, side, or in the back. It is user friendly and can be worn at night for sleeping with minimal interference. You never get tangled in doors; cars, chairs, or your own arms and legs with the added benefit that pets can’t chew on tubes, as they’re contained.



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