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Children brighten up the world with their vivid, ever present imagination. With those big grins, they innocently explore all corners of the world -- while of course, avoiding the darkest nooks to avoid the monsters. Seeing our children grow up and discover their reality is a gift. It’s a treat to hear them discover their favorite animals; to hear their...
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Today, May 5th, is a very important day. This day marks the unification of organizations, communities, and patients worldwide in efforts to increase the awareness of the rapidly progressive disease that's affecting many individuals across the globe: Most don’t realize that Pulmonary Hypertension (PH), a disease characterized by high blood pressure in the lung, has symptoms that are often non-specific....
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Pulmonary hypertension (PH), a non-curable chronic disease that causes the arteries in the lungs to stiffen, is life-changing and can lead to heart failure. There are numerous treatment options that ease the symptoms and allow the patients to continue living their lives. Patients receiving treatment from a portable infusion pump may have to carry their device in a fanny-pack, which...